The news in Greek

Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι στην Ελλάδα διαδήλωσαν για δικαιοσύνη για τα θύματα του δυστυχήματος στα Τέμπη. Η διαδήλωση έγινε κυρίως στην Αθήνα, στην πλατεία Συντάγματος. Ήθελαν μία διαφανή έρευνα για το ατύχημα και καταλογισμό ευθυνών . Υπήρξαν μικροεντάσεις με την αστυνομία, αλλά οι διαδηλωτές ζητούσαν ειρήνη και δικαιοσύνη .


Thousands of people in Greece demonstrated for justice for the victims of the accident in Tempi. The demonstration mainly took place in Athens, at Syntagma Square. They demanded a transparent investigation into the accident and accountability. There were minor tensions with the police, but the protesters called for peace and justice.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: Where did most of the protests in Greece take place?

Most of the protests took place in Athens at Syntagma Square.

Question 2: What did the protesters in Greece want regarding the Tempi tragedy?

The protesters wanted a transparent investigation and accountability for the Tempi tragedy.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(f.) - justice

(n.) - disaster

(m.) - demonstrator

(f.) - investigation

(m.) - attribution

(f.) - responsibility

Read the full story


Thousands of people gathered across Greece on Sunday to participate in demonstrations seeking justice for the victims of the Tempi train tragedy. The nationwide protests took place nearly two years after the fatal collision between a passenger train and a freight train on February 28, 2023, which claimed the lives of 57 individuals.

Demonstrators assembled in central Athens, particularly at Syntagma Square, with the rally organized by the Association of Families of Tempi Victims. The central slogan, "I can't breathe," referenced an audio recording released as part of an ongoing investigation, which added urgency to calls for a comprehensive inquiry into the disaster and accountability for those responsible.

Maria Karystianou, president of the Association and mother of one of the victims, delivered a poignant speech demanding no crime goes unpunished and emphasized the sentiment shared by many in attendance that justice should stem from the tragedy at Tempi.

Protests Across Greece Demand Justice for Tempi Tragedy Protests Across Greece Demand Justice for Tempi Tragedy (Illustration)

Parallel protests were organized in over 100 cities globally, including significant demonstrations in Thessaloniki, Volos, and other parts of Greece, where masses including students, union members, and political party representatives demanded a transparent investigation into the causes of the accident, particularly the subsequent fire.

Despite the peaceful intentions of the gatherings, clashes occurred in Athens, where small groups threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police, prompting law enforcement to use tear gas and stun grenades. The skirmishes, which also occurred in Thessaloniki, resulted in minor injuries and several detentions.

The large turnout and widespread participation reflected the activists' frustrations with what they perceive as inadequate governmental and judicial responses to the tragedy. Attendees voiced their dedication to pursuing truth and justice, ensuring the victims' lives were honored and lessons learned never forgotten.

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Advanced: Reports from Greece