The news in Greek

Το Καρναβάλι της Πάτρας ξεκίνησε στις 18 Ιανουαρίου, 2025. Πολλοί άνθρωποι συγκεντρώθηκαν στην πλατεία Γεωργίου. Η μπάντα Κουβανέρος έπαιξε μουσική. Ο Τάκης Ζαχαράτος τραγούδησε "Λάμπω". Έγινε και το παραδοσιακό " σοκολατοπόλεμος ". Ο δήμαρχος μίλησε για ενότητα και αισιοδοξία .


The Patras Carnival commenced on 18th January 2025. Many people gathered in Georgiou Square. The band 'Kouvaneros' played music. Takis Zacharatos sang "Lampos". The traditional "chocolate war" also took place. The mayor spoke about unity and optimism.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: When did the Patras Carnival start in 2025?

The Patras Carnival started on January 18, 2025.

Question 2: Who sang the song 'Lampo' during the opening ceremony?

Takis Zacharatos sang the song 'Lampo.'

Exercise: Vocabulary

(m.) - chocolate fight

(f.) - unity

(f.) - optimism

Read the full story


The Patras Carnival officially commenced with a vibrant opening ceremony on Saturday, 18th of January, 2025. Thousands of attendees filled Georgiou Square in Patras, the third-largest city in Greece, setting a jubilant tone for the festivities that will continue until the conclusion on the 2nd of March.

The ceremony featured a live musical performance by the band Cubaneros, delighting the crowd with a lively repertoire. One of the highlights of the evening was the surprise appearance of beloved artist Takis Zacharatos, who captivated the audience with his rendition of Anna Vissi's "Lampo," elevating the event's energy.

The opening event also included a captivating ritualistic narrative marked by symbolic representations that conveyed the essence of the carnival. According to the Municipal Enterprise for Patras Carnival, the "carnival energy" of the locals was encapsulated in the three colours of the carnival banner. This energy was brought to life through the harlequin, who guided the festivities with a symbolic dance throughout the event.

Patras Carnival 2025: Spectacular Opening Ceremony Patras Carnival 2025: Spectacular Opening Ceremony (Illustration)

The harlequin dance journeyed through three core themes of the carnival life: the mask representing transformation, the parade signifying carnival activities, and the power of dance and rhythm.

In a traditional touch, the festival maintained its custom of the "chocolate war," where attendees were showered with chocolates, adding a sweet twist to the celebrations.

Addressing the assembled crowd, Mayor Kostas Peletidis expressed optimism for the carnival's role in fostering unity and creativity. "The carnival of our city begins its beautiful journey," he stated, highlighting the critical role of youth and their creativity in this year's events. The mayor emphasised the festival's enduring spirit of solidarity and its ability to bring hope in challenging times. "In our children's hands lies the future," he noted, underscoring the festival's focus on celebrating and empowering the next generation.

The Patras Carnival continues to be a beacon of joy and creativity, promising an unforgettable experience not just for the locals but also for visitors from across Greece and beyond. As part of the opening, Mayor Peletidis was joined by Pavlos Skouras, President of Patras Carnival Organisation KEDIP, to officially launch the events.

Info: "Greek Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Greek", a language school dedicated to teaching Greek. We offer various types of online courses, including Greek for beginners, to accommodate learners at different levels.

Advanced: Reports from Greece