The news in Greek

Το 2021, στην περιοχή Τέμπη της Ελλάδας, συνέβη σοβαρό σιδηροδρομικό δυστύχημα . Έχασαν τη ζωή τους 57 άτομα. Σήμερα, γίνεται έρευνα για τις αιτίες και την ευθύνη. Σύμφωνα με επιστήμονες , υγρό εύφλεκτο υλικό προκάλεσε έκρηξη. Νομικές διαδικασίες είναι σε εξέλιξη. Προσπαθούν να κατανοήσουν και να αποδώσουν ευθύνες για να βελτιώσουν την ασφάλεια.


In 2021, a serious railway accident occurred in the Tempi region of Greece. Fifty-seven people lost their lives. Today, an investigation is underway to determine the causes and responsibility. According to scientists, a flammable liquid caused the explosion. Legal proceedings are ongoing. Efforts are being made to understand and assign responsibility to improve safety.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: How many people died in the train accident in Greece?

57 people died in the train accident.

Question 2: What caused the explosion according to scientists?

A flammable liquid caused the explosion.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(f.) - investigation

(m.) - scientists

- flammable

Read the full story


The train disaster that occurred in Tempi, Greece two years ago continues to unravel, as new findings and legal actions emerge. The tragic event, the worst railway accident in the country, caused the loss of 57 lives.

Recent reports from a team of scientists at the University of Ghent have shed light on the cause of the catastrophic explosion that followed the collision between two trains. The experts, who have been examining the incident for about a year upon the request of the Greek Accident Investigation Authority, used advanced technology including an innovative artificial intelligence system to determine that the first carriage of the freight train involved was carrying flammable liquids. The weight of these liquids was estimated to be between 3.5 and 4 tonnes, stored in tanks situated at the front of the train behind the engines.

The findings highlight that the explosive material was likely a combination of xylenes and toluene, substances commonly used as fuel additives. During the eight seconds of explosions, a 'fire mushroom' reached a height of 80 metres, making the scene tremendously perilous.

Greek Train Disaster Investigation Reveals New Insights Greek Train Disaster Investigation Reveals New Insights (Illustration)

In parallel, the legal proceedings related to the disaster are advancing. A preliminary criminal investigation has been launched against Maurizio Capotorto, the former CEO of Hellenic Train. The prosecutor's office is examining his testimony to a parliamentary inquiry committee, suspecting it may have contained false statements. The investigation will evaluate whether the former executive committed perjury, a move supported by all political parties involved with the inquiry.

This investigation underscores the ongoing questions regarding the safety practices of the Greek railway system, especially after a court decision found the National Railway Authority (OSE) and Hellenic Train responsible for neglecting known safety deficiencies and thereby contributing to the tragedy.

As the legal and scientific inquiries proceed, the full report from the University of Ghent and updated findings from the Greek Accident Investigation Authority are expected to be publicly disclosed by February 2025, potentially offering more clarity and accountability in this somber chapter of Greek transportation history.

Info: "Greek Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Greek," a language school offering various types of online Greek courses. For those curious about how to learn Greek fast, our platform provides structured learning paths and resources to accelerate your language acquisition effectively.

Advanced: Reports from Greece